Holiday Conversion Training 2017 with Robbie

Justuno Director of Customer success Robbie Hammett walks you through the best ways to get the most out of your Justuno account this Black Friday/ Cyber Monday.

Video Transcript

Jenna: All righty, guys. Thanks for joining us today. My name is Jenna Ochoa and I head up partner marketing and agency training here at Justuno. Today, I’m excited to bring in one of our specialists. So today we have Robbie with us. He is the director of client success. Some of you guys may know him or have interacted with him. But, basically, he’s here today to help you guys put together some ideas for the holiday rush. So Black Friday is coming up, and we’re here to help you prepare. So, Robbie, if you can, just go ahead and say hi and maybe kind of give us a brief overview of what you do as director of client success here at Justuno.

Robbie: Yeah. Sure. Hey, everybody. So what I do for Justuno is ensure that all of our– I usually work with our top-tier clients and ensure that their promotions are optimized, that they have all the tools that they need to maximize the value of Justuno on their site, and know about all of our features and all the fun, creative things that they can do to convert and engage as many people on their site as possible.

Jenna: Great. So I’m really excited to get into this training. I’ve done a couple of webinars that some of you may have attended in the past, but today, I think we’re going to get a little bit more technical. So let’s go ahead and take a look and kind of get a snapshot of what we’re going to cover today. So all of you guys, whether you are a small e-commerce setup or whether you have 50-plus people on your team and have a full development-marketing team, all of you guys have a conversion funnel. And today, we’re going to walk you through how you can use Justuno at each stage in that funnel. A lot of you may think that Justuno really only comes into play in the very first step, so the attract portion. But we can actually use our tool to nurture customers to increase engagement and ultimately to retain them. So, Robbie, it looks like we have some interesting stats on here. Would you mind kind of giving us some more information on these?

Robbie: Sure. absolutely. So when it comes to top of funnel, when we look at the traffic coming into the site, the research that we’ve seen shows that for every $92 spent acquiring traffic and getting people to the site, only $1 is spent converting those people once they are on the site. So those are obviously all averages. You may see different numbers. But there’s a great disparity there, and the whole idea in everything that we’re preaching is to invest more in the traffic once it gets to your site. So you guys are probably already doing that if you’ve spoken with me before or anyone on our team and kind of have a good grasp of what Justuno does. But basically, we want to get you thinking more about that traffic which is the kind of– which is circling around these numbers here.

Robbie: And how do we do that? What is the one-two punch for engaging and converting more traffic and investing more on that traffic? It’s to engage them with all of your new traffic, at the very least, with an email offer, an email pop-up. And so you may or may not be running one of these right now, but the reason we ask people and recommend that they run email pop-ups is because they tend to convert at the highest rate. The email, as a channel, converts at the highest percentage over most other channels. So if you don’t get someone to check out by offering them some incentive with a Justuno email promotion, you have their email, they become part of your welcome series or drip campaign, and they have a higher likelihood of checking out at a later date. So all of this is with the idea in mind that if you do engage these people and you do run the in-email offer and what I’m about to talk about next which is the cart-abandonment offer, not only do you increase the chances of someone checking out in that session, but you also are boosting the value of this $92 per $1 spend offsite. So you’re boosting that value, you’re increasing ROI, and you’re reducing things like cart-abandonment and bounce rate with these promotions. So that leads me to the actual converting the user at the most important aspect of their of their journey.

Robbie: I didn’t hit the– I didn’t hit the 68% number. So, on average, about 68% of people will abandon their carts. And you may or may not already have a strategy in place for emailing those people, but questions to ask yourself are, “What if you don’t get their email? What do they do– what do you do in between the time that they actually look at their inbox or check Facebook to see that you’ve sent you’ve sent a targeted ad to them saying, “Hey, you left this in your cart.” There’s a lot of things that could happen in a buyer’s journey before they are roped in by any of those things. So we recommend as the second part of it, after the email capture at the bottom of the funnel, is to run these cart-abandonment promotions so that you’re targeting them while they’re leaving the cart and still on your site. So, in effect, we’re trying to reduce that average abandoned cart. And then there’s obviously things too, like Jenna touched on, with return traffic, as well. Increasing AOV is something that I hear all the time, average order value, through different promotions you can run. But that’s not something that we’re probably going to focus on today, so.

Jenna: Yeah. We might touch on one example at the very, very end. But I guess, Robbie, before we transition, I just want to address maybe one point that some people might be wondering about. On all of these things that you’ve touched on, is there enough time before Black Friday to actually pay attention to these?

Robbie: Oh, of course. So I mean, we make it pretty easy for our clients. Let’s just say you haven’t done any of these things yet, which I doubt. I think probably most of you have at least some version of email pop-ups in place, and maybe you have cart-abandonment. I find that sometimes people don’t use the cart-abandonment offer simply because they don’t know about it or that strategy hasn’t been touched on yet. But we make it super easy through what you might be able to guess our next slide is, which is our pre-built promotions. So we have promotion templates in place that all conform to our best practices. They touch on these two foundational segments of traffic which is new traffic coming in, which is probably between 50 to 80 percent of your traffic, and then people that are abandoning their carts, which is 68% of the people that actually get to the cart page. I mean, really, these require almost no work to go live. If you don’t want, we have professional designers that have done and built all these templates out so you really connect it to your email integration. You put in a coupon code and you go live. And that’s for things like the new visitor. And then the cart-abandonment promotion’s even easier because there is no integration. You’re just serving up a coupon code or some kind of incentive to get that person to check out, might be free shipping, anything like that. Now, ideally, you would take these promotions, you would stylize them to fit your brand and aesthetic, and then connect your integration and go live. But, like I said, we’ve built these so that if you don’t have time to do that, you don’t have to. These are really, nicely designed promotions incorporating our best practices.

Robbie: So one of the big three promotions that we always have prebuilts for, whether it’s seasonal or not, is what we’re just touching on with the new lead capture, cart-abandonment, and then what will possibly be most important after Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which is site messaging, directing your traffic to where you want them to go to find the biggest deal that they can. So one more note on this, too. You see how it says before holidays, during, and during? A lot of our clients like to focus on lead capture before Black Friday and Cyber Monday so they get a bunch of people into the funnel and they could start marketing their deals to them regarding Black Friday and Cyber Monday. What becomes most popular during Black Friday and Cyber Monday and kind of ensuing after is site-messaging and cart-abandonment offers that are unlocked. They are the lowest barrier to entry to get your customers to check out in that setting– or in that session. So that’s really what it’s all about. It’s a race during these times, and you want to get those people. You want to make it super easy for them to take advantage of your deal and checkout.

Jenna: And, Robbie, if you could touch on, here, in discussing the prebuilts. I’d like to talk a little bit about our mobile promotions just because I know– and again, some of you may have already been on a previous training with us where we’ve talked about this. But this year, we’ve had a lot of merchants really kind of express doubt in serving something up on mobile. So what did the prebuilts offer in terms of getting the mobile setup correctly? Can you go into that a little bit?

Robbie: Right, right. Yeah. That really comes down to two aspects, the design and the targeting rules. And so we’ve created– and you basically have to comply with one or the other. So most of our prebuilts, and what we’ve seen work better, is still running fullscreen mobile promotions and just moving them to the second page load because, really, if you are aware of Google’s mobile policy updates, we don’t have time to get into all of that right now, but you can serve all of your mobile pop-ups on the second page load and be totally compliant without filtering out certain traffic sources which you can do if you want to still show it on the first page load. And we certainly have clients that are doing that. But the alternative is to show kind of a mobile UnoBar or some kind of small banner at the bottom of the page on the first page load that kind of stays with them throughout their experience. With that said, I personally have looked at more accounts that have higher success running full screen offers on the second page load which we have the pre-built rules set to do. We have fullscreen mobile promos and banner mobile promos with all of those rules for each one respectively in place.

Jenna: That’s the cool thing about the pre-builds. If you guys don’t, again, don’t have a lot of resources for design or just don’t have time to set it up, you can be sure that when you set up a mobile, that is only going to show on those pages that abide by Google’s best practices. So that’s a really good thing, and you guys can take advantage of it. Okay. So, Robbie, you touched on people kind of focusing on capturing new visits pre-holidays and kind of then leveraging those accounts or those I guess email addresses to market to during and after. So let’s look at what you would recommend for capturing new visits, maybe some best practices or some KPIs that we can look to.

Robbie: Right. So kind of alluding to what the text says on the slide, you probably already have an email pop-up live on your site. But we encourage you to look at how is it performing. And really, the biggest metric to look at is the impression-to-engagement rate. So how many people are seeing it versus how many people are submitting their email? Now, what we want to see is promotions performing above 5% engagement. Now, it might be a little bit lower if you, for example, are not running an incentive and your promotion just says, “Hey, stay up with the– stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest. Submit your email below to join our family,” or whatever. Typically, I don’t see those perform above two and a half percent engagement, normally. So if you’re getting above that on an offer, on a non-incentivize offer, good for you. But you will convert even more with some sort of incentive. And that can be a 10% discount code like you see here. It could be some sort of gated content like an e-book or a fitted guide or look book or something like that. Or most commonly with a lot of retailers that have lower margins, they’ll run contests. They’ll run contests with gift cards. And after speaking with a couple of retailers that actually do that quite heavily, they actually see a lift in lifetime value of a customer after running a contest. So maybe the conversion rate of someone who engaged with this offer was slightly lower than a discount, but apparently, their lifetime value was higher after the research they did.

Robbie: So we want to see you at least 5% engagement, and then through effective email marketing, you can really boost the revenue on the back end from people coming back. And the same applies to channeling or really tailoring the message to certain traffic sources like social ads, like what we see below. Like if you want to show a specific offer to your Facebook traffic or if you want to exclude your email traffic from seeing an email offer, which I would definitely recommend. Right? You already have their email. So there’s a lot of different ways you can segment that traffic in Justuno.

Jenna: Yeah. And we’re going to look at some specific examples targeting social and AdWords, here, later on in the presentation. But I think the important thing to take away from a new visit– Robbie touched on people that are running contests and things like this. If you don’t feel like you have the bandwidth or the ability to do something to that level, I guess my advice would be just create an offer that’s hard to say no to. But even if you’re not offering a discount, maybe– we’ve had some B to B clients even just offer a download of something. Make the offer very valuable for your customer, and then you should see some heightened engagement. So I’d like to kind of touch on a couple of easy ways that you can increase engagement. So, Robbie, it looks like we have an example of a test that we ran here. Can you talk to us about this one?

Robbie: Yeah. Of course. So we recently released our spin-to-win feature which you can add as a plug-in onto any promotion. It can even be an unlocked promotion if you add an intro screen. Any of you that have more questions about that, you can email me. But you can add this spin-to-win onto, presumably, an email promotion. And what we did in this test is you can see these two different designs. Now the audience is the exact same, the targeting roles are the exact same, and what you see is different is a gamification or a higher interaction in the promo and a little bit more excitement into what am I going to win. And so we can see, here, this improvement on the variant which is on the right is 31%. And so usually, I mean, honestly, if you’re running a spin-to-win promotion, you have a compelling offer that the winning– it always lands on, which is how this software works by default, then you will see enormous improvements in engagement rate. We’ve seen this across-the-board, really. We’ve seen spin-to-win promotions engaging people up into the teens and sometimes 20% total impression-to-engagement rate. So those are pretty astounding numbers to see. And I mean, that really shows incredible ROI from running these promotions over kind of the traditional just like, “Join our fam. Here’s a discount. Give us your email.” So this is just one example of many ideas that we have thoroughly tested with many clients that we can recommend.

Jenna: Yeah and this one should actually be– I mean, if you guys are just looking for a quick and easy way to increase engagement prior to the holidays, this one’s actually very easy to set up. And you can see this client even pretty much just use the same design. I mean, they’ve used the same imagery for the background, and they’ve just customized their wheel, here, which is very easy to do inside the Justuno designer. So you can customize your colors, and you can pick which offer is always going to win. So again if you have questions about that, you can email us later, and we can help you set it up. Moving into the next section, this is sort of just a different look at the funnel we looked at prior. But a lot of you guys are pushing money into different advertising channels. So most popular ones we would see our Facebook ads and Google AdWords. We do have a lot of folks getting into Instagram, too, now, which is interesting. But what you’re doing is generating site traffic from that. Where we see a gap happening is onsite. What happens once these people come to the site and they’re not converting? We have a couple of strategies that we would like to show you to help fill in that gap. And I think a couple of the most effective ones are going to be exit offers and cart-abandonment. So, Robbie, I’ll let you talk us through both of those notes. Like this one is– we’re starting off with just the site exit offer here.

Robbie: Sure. Okay. So with this offer, in particular, there’s actually a client that I work with often. They’re called Century 21 stores. This exit offer, like Jenna kind of alluded to, is actually targeting people exiting from product pages as opposed to the cart. Reason for that is that they have a specific offer that they are targeting people exiting from the cart. And those are all great things. It just kind of is another testament to segmenting your offers that much more. But this offer is engaging people at around 46%. And for unlocked offers, that means people clicking on the coupon code, which we have conveniently grayed out here, or viewing the promotion longer than eight seconds. Now, the reason why this is so significant is the sales conversion rate of people that saw this promotion is 4%. Now, without knowing the exact conversion rate of the people that didn’t see it, we can– I mean, we can safely assume. I’ve seen enough of these to know that this is definitely an elevated conversion rate. You have a higher intent-to-buy from the segment of traffic that is viewing this promotion because they’re viewing it on a product page as opposed to someone who’s bouncing from the home page or their second page load in. So this is designed to show to people with a higher intent-to-buy, and then with a different offer showing for people with the highest intent-to-buy, which is the car page, which I think is the next promo example we’re going to look at. Right? Yeah.

Robbie: This is Training Mask, another client that I work with pretty closely. They are showing this– they’re showing this offer, 20% off someone’s training mask, when they’re exiting from the cart or checkout page. Now, 81% engagement. That means 81% of people clicked to copy that code or viewed this long enough to write down the code or think twice about the offer. And so you really get a sense of how powerful and how much recovery these promotions tend to help with in terms of cart-abandonment and how we lower that 68% cart-abandonment rate from there. So some ideas for you. Maybe you’re not offering 20% off. Maybe you’re not offering $15 off. But, famously, Forrester Research found a couple of years ago that the number one reason people abandon their cards was due to free shipping. So if nothing else, even if you’re already offering free shipping, make it super apparent. Run your cart-abandonment offer with a fullscreen just like this that says, “Leaving so soon? Don’t you know you get free shipping on today’s order?” And then if you can offer– if you could squeeze in some kind of other incentive there then, by all means, do it, and you will see that be very fruitful.

Jenna: Yeah. And actually, this year here at Justuno, we ran an analysis probably, I guess, maybe end of Q3, and looking at all of the offers that we’ve been running. And hands down, the most successful one was free shipping across-the-board. So I think that if you feel like you can implement that, it will pay off. So it’s a high-converting offer. Just, again, to reiterate kind of the funnel that we’ve just covered, a really great way to get higher ROI on the money that you’re dumping into these channels is to put an exit offer, whether that’s on a product page or on a cart page. It’s just something easy you can do to help make this money a little more worth it.

Jenna: Okay. So moving on, I think one of the easiest tactics you guys can do outside of setting up an offer like that is to do something that we kind of call mirroring messaging. So what does that mean? That means if you’re showing a message in an offsite channel, so in an ad, in an email, wherever it is, to simply mirror that message onsite. Now, sometimes that may include a discount. Sometimes that may include a CTA. Or sometimes it’s just straight-up text. But you would be surprised at how effective just subtly reinforcing that messaging impacts your conversion rate. So we’ve got a couple of examples here. And Robbie can talk us through each of these and kind of what we’re looking at.

Robbie: Right. So the top one, blenders. This is probably the most popular thing, I think, clients will run during Black Friday and Cyber Monday and during the holidays. You’re obviously going to send out an email blast to all of your entire network and your entire subscriber list, and you’re going to have some kind of great deal. You’re going to say, “Black Friday starts tomorrow, but get a deal early by clicking here. Use this coupon code for 15% off.” Now, once that person clicks through, you now have that– you’re probably using UTM parameters or some kind of tracking URL, and we would target that URL. And then you have your– then you have your– sorry. You have your coupon code that you presented them in the email, you have a countdown timer telling them how long it’s good for, and you’re mirroring that offsite messaging. So you’re using the similar style sheets, fonts, everything to create a seamless UX. You’re telling this person, “Here’s your coupon code. This is how much time you have to use it. And countdown timers, especially, have an amazing effect on the urgency of purchase. All right? You’ve probably seen them as a consumer before, and they probably worked. They’ve definitely worked on me, so. And then the example below, we’re just kind of reinforcing that wherever the traffic is coming from– maybe you posted a Facebook ad that said, “We’re doing 20% off for 20 minutes.” You can then target– again, target that traffic source and run a banner or some kind of fullscreen promotion that says, “Don’t forget your coupon code,” and a countdown timer.

Jenna: Yeah. I think that urgency is something that people go back and forth in, in trying to decide if that’s actually effective or not. And we at Justuno recently published a blog post on maybe testing a timer and how effective that was for us. But I think, and, Robbie, you can chime in here, during such a time like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, that timers will absolutely be effective because then you can kind of put some constraints around your deal. And that’s going to be very incentivizing versus if you have a countdown timer open for three months or something like that. It’s not as urgent. Right?

Robbie: Yeah. Exactly. I mean, it can also just double as just letting your traffic know when the Black Friday deals end, and I wouldn’t advise maybe to say– let’s say you’re running an entire week’s worth of Cyber Monday deals. And so the timer says you have six days to take advantage of this offer. I maybe wouldn’t recommend that. But if you’re running a 24-hour sale, by all means, do that.

Jenna: So here’s just a visual. Oops. Sorry. Here’s just a visual example of what the countdown timers can look like. So this, again, is coming from that blenders example. And you can pull in the code that you want people to use. I want to come back to this slide and just kind of reiterate a little bit about Google and Facebook. So, Robbie, you mentioned working with UTM codes. I just kind of want to explain what’s going on here. So one of our clients, Shinesty, what they have done is leveraged Justuno to work with the campaigns that they’ve built in their Google AdWords and in Facebook ads to pull in that same campaign code into an UnoBar when the user arrives onsite. So basically, they’re targeting people coming from these specific channels, and that, in turn, as Robbie said, helps them have a more seamless UX and incentivizes them to also use that code. So if you guys are running ads in either those channels, absolutely reach out to us. It’s something we can help you optimize prior to holidays.

Robbie: It’s a subtle nudge.

Jenna: Yeah. It’s very subtle, but it’s very impactful. The next one I want to look at is, again, something that Robbie touched on already, a free shipping. And I think a lot of our merchants already have free shipping stuff in place. But in terms of presentation, we found that an UnoBar, and Robbie can also get into more of the design aspect, but placed at the bottom, is a really nice way to– or a nice location to have it. So this example comes from Sivana, and they’re a yoga apparel and accessories company. But they do a really good job of tailoring their messaging. So it looks like, here, they have a free shipping threshold set up because it has a dollar amount pulled into it. So, Robbie, why don’t you walk us through the design of this and why it’s effective?

Robbie: Sure. And it really is like– putting you Unobars or banners, whatever you want to call them, at the bottom of the screen definitely affords you more vertical space so you can make the UnoBar a little bit larger, a little bit more prominent. You will see this on sites like Crate and Barrel, Pottery Barn, West Elm. I’ve been doing a lot of furniture shopping recently, so those are the examples I thought [laughter]. But all three of those sites have kind of these big bottom banners to give them a little bit more room for creatives and all that stuff. Now, with that said, when you run a banner or any promotion on your desktop computer in Justuno, it will also show up on a tablet. So some best practices to keep in mind is to keep things as centered as possible in the middle of the– like you can see that Sivana’s doing here. And then there’s a stick option for your close button on the right. Generally, you’ll see it on the right side. You can stick that to the side so no matter what the resolution of the screen, it will always be like 10 pixels off from the right side. So those are some quick best practices. Now, if you want to do something like what they have here where it says I have $50 in my cart and it’s $100 dollars for free shipping, and they say, “You’re only $50 away,” that’s some relatively easy custom coating that you can place in your promotion and we definitely have support docks surrounding that. It’s a very light technical operation to accomplish and is a very nice way to kind of personalize these promotions even further.

Jenna: And a couple of extra details, too, is that they have linked to the details of the free shipping deal. So just to kind of cover yourself, legally. And then, also, the thing I really like is that they’ve linked to gifts under 30 bucks. So that makes it also very easy for users to say, “Okay. Cool. These are much more affordable, and they can help me reach this threshold.” So I think this is also one– Robbie mentioned in the very beginning about increasing average order value. This could be a way to push that number up a little bit.

Robbie: Yeah. And another note, too, on linking to your sale page or your clearance page. Using our CTAs in things like banners, it’s definitely– I think the most popular thing I saw last year during Black Friday is people just wanting to let their visitors and their customers know where to find the biggest Black Friday savings or Cyber Monday savings and making it easy for them to find those deals in those pages and to say like, “Oh yeah. Gifts under 30 bucks. I’ve been meaning to buy something for my aunt who’s a yogi, and so I’m on a 20 dollar budget. So I’ll check here.” And it really makes it easy for your customers to find what they’re looking for and make a purchase.

Jenna: Right. Okay. So now that we’ve kind of given you a couple of those ideas that you could probably set up on your own– I mean, they’re, like Robbie said, some of them are a light technical procedure. And I like that terminology, by the way [laughter]. But now we’re going to look at a few more advanced ideas. So all of these are going to be a little bit more strategical, and we’ll just kind of review kind of the example, and, Robbie, maybe, can touch with some technical details. But first, I want to look at bundling products. Now, a lot of you may already have this set up on your store, but you’re using a different app in order to do this. So that’s the cool thing about Justuno. And why we have that name, Justuno, is because we’re just one app that does a lot of different things. So product bundling is a functionality that we certainly can support. And this is a good example of how one merchant is using it. This design comes from The GLD Shop, which is one of our clients. I believe they’re on Shopify Plus. And what they did is set up an offer to fire when a specific necklace was added to their cart. So you can see the design of that offer here, and what it did is fire to the user and say, “Hey, do you want to complete your set?” and give them a couple of options. So as you can see, it had a really high engagement rate. The conversion rate was great because these products are not cheap. So I imagine this turned in some pretty good revenue for them. Robbie, is there anything, technically, that you’d like to say about this?

Robbie: Sure. Yeah. So you mentioned a couple of things. So they’re targeting people with specific items in their cart. Now, if you’re a Shopify customer, this is a very easy thing to do because Shopify just makes it easy for apps like ours to integrate deeply into their platform and target SKUs, item numbers, item colors, the amount of items, dollar amount, all that stuff. Now for other people not on Shopify, it’s still a pretty easy process. Again, light technical work involved. But once it’s done, it’s kind of like one-time technical work. You basically embed a little snippet of JavaScript into your site, and then we can use that. We can use those variables to target a specific item or whatever it is that you’re looking for. And then after that, I mean, it’s pretty easy. We set up CTAs that say, “Add this. Add this particular item to my cart,” and then, within the design canvas, you can tell Justuno to add this specific item to the cart. So it actually ends up really boosting. This is a really good– again, you think about things in terms of sales conversion and maybe email conversion, and in terms of Justuno. And so this is another really great option to boost sales revenue and to get some things. Maybe you’ve got some sale items like, “Pick any sale item of your choice, and get it for free with this purchase over $100.” That’s a good way to get rid of inventory if you’re looking to unload your onesies and twosies, things like that, and different items that you might be selling together. So like The GLD Shop did here. They did it really well. 8% conversion and probably a pretty high average order value. So they did really good. But these things are fairly light to do in Justuno. And it might take a little bit more time than doing the prebuilts, for instance.

Jenna: And you bring up another good point, Robbie. But I’ve seen a lot of merchant questions around adding a free item to cart for– I’ve seen that in various forums, and I think that’s kind of basically the same setup. But if you wanted to do something like that for this holiday season, if you have a freebie that you’d like to include, this type of functionality can also apply to that use case.

Robbie: Those are huge, too, adding free items to the cart. It’s such a great incentive for users, too, that’s not– we hear a lot about people not wanting to like cheapen their product by offering a discount. And we’re kind of– shoppers these days are– they’re looking for a deal. So I don’t think anybody’s at risk of cheapening their product. But if you don’t want to offer that discount, offering a free product or like what GLD Shop’s done here is an advanced idea. That is really, really worthwhile in terms of sales. And it does change. The reason we can’t offer a one-and-done, out-of-the-box solution is because this is so dependent on the platform that you’re on, the core platform. So just get in touch with us. We can work with you on the best route to accomplish that.

Jenna: Right. Good deal. Okay. The next one I want to look at is tiered offers. This is one that when I’ve presented this in a couple of webinars and trainings has gotten a lot of attention. People are really interested in this. So I’ll probably let Robbie talk more about this one. But basically what we’re looking at, here, is a tiered offer that we set up maybe last Father’s Day, a couple Father’s Days ago, for And the idea behind it was to kind of create this tiered effect and, again, another gamification type of offer to keep that user engaged. But once they unlocked the first code, then the messaging would change. As you can see, this first code is confirming that they’ve unlocked 15% with this code SUPERDAD. Now, as they continue to shop, you’ll see the messaging has changed. It says, “Okay. You unlocked this,” and now it’s pulling that cart value again, so giving the threshold, “But you’re only 12.50 away from getting 20% off.” So the messaging changes after they interact to kind of keep them engaged and keep them interacting with the offer. And it had a really great conversion rate. I mean, again, this is a client– probably has a pretty high price point on most of their products. So, Robbie, I guess can you talk us through if somebody wanted to set up a tiered offer prior to Black Friday do you think that’s something pretty doable?

Robbie: Yeah, yeah. I would say that it definitely helps to have someone technical on your team to aid with this really small stuff. Of course, there are services that we offer that can accomplish this for you, too. But just talking through this offer, they essentially, it begs the user to say like, “Okay. What does this look like when I add that next 12.50 to my cart? And where do we go from here?” Now, from a technical perspective, this stuff– we’re really circling around different ideas that involve the same work. Right? The last offer we looked at is– this is similar, technically speaking, to what we’re looking at now which is sort of similar to what we’re going to look at next. But it’s basically if you do the technical work once, you do it one time, and then from there you really have the option to do all of these offers if you want. It’s not like you have to do all this crazy technical work each time you want to run a different offer. It’s really kind of a one and– we’re circling around the same technical concepts but all different ideas you can do with that.

Jenna: Which is really like the cart value. Right? We’re looking at that value, and then you can think [marketing Y?] is how you want to build an offer around that.

Robbie: Exactly. Exactly. So–

Jenna: Cool.

Robbie: Yeah. Go ahead.

Jenna: Well, this next one I want to touch on, I actually really, really like this example just because of the story behind it. And in terms of it applying to you for Black Friday or not, we can get into that afterward. But let me talk a little bit about this offer first. So this client of ours, Leaner Creamer, sells basically just one product. He sells these different types of creamers. But what he began to notice is that it was very expensive for him to ship three creamers. And he found out that the cost of shipping four would actually reduce his shipping costs. And so he built an offer to increase the volume. So hey, if somebody added three of them, he served them a pop up saying, “Four bottles are better. Go ahead and save some money.” So once he did this, of course he saved money on his shipping, but he also increased his average order value, and he was also able to liquidate a bunch of extra inventory that he had. So really, he kind of had a home run with this offer. And, as you can see, the numbers speak to that. So I think in order to run a volume offer you obviously need to have a product that lends itself to this. So his product does. A couple other industries or verticals that come to my mind are cosmetics or maybe supplements where people order more than one, usually, at a time. But I think this could be a good way during Black Friday, Cyber Monday to get rid of extra inventory if you have product lying around, and could be pretty effective. Robbie, is there anything you wanted to add about this offer, too?

Robbie: No. You pretty much nailed it. I mean, this is really going to apply to people that, like you said, if someone’s kind of buying one thing, they might buy two or three. Like if you sell Basics, Basics clothing, plain tees or socks or something like that, you can add a free pair, get four for the price of three, or for every pair you buy, the second pair’s 50% off. There’s a million different ways you can go with this. And this is not a technically advanced offer. This is just a marketing-forward idea. So this doesn’t require any extra technical work.

Jenna: Right. It’s just kind of about how you structure your messaging to the people seeing that offer and who you show that to you.

Robbie: Yeah. And you can– this person created a coupon code that basically eliminates the cost of the fourth. But I’m sure a lot of cart platforms are sophisticated enough that you can say if someone adds four items, the fourth one’s free or the cheapest one’s free or something like that.

Jenna: Right. Right. Good point. Okay. Well, let’s look at the very last example for these more advanced ideas. This is one that’s relatively new for us to present here at Justuno, but we’re calling it the Promo Drawer. And we actually were inspired by a client who came up with this design here on the top. And one day we just thought, “Hey, that’s pretty cool,” and then started researching around and see the Old Navy branch or Old Navy Gap Athleta, whatever is under that umbrella. And I think, Robbie, you mentioned earlier, too. Pottery Barn and places like that are probably also running something like this. But it’s basically just a large unlocked offer or a large bar here at the bottom that pops up onsite and displays multiple offers. Now the cool thing about using Justuno to build these is that you can actually link to your prebuilt– or to your promotions that you’ve already built. So, for example, in this one, what the client has done here is implemented the image of his spin-to-win. And then I think, Robbie, maybe you can clean up my technical stuff here, but placed a transparent CTA. So when they click here, it actually pops up the spin-to-win. That doesn’t redirect them to a different URL or anything like that, but this offer actually pops up and you’re able to engage with it right then and there. Is that right?

Robbie: Yeah, yeah. I mean, that’s a good point that I didn’t even consider before. But a lot of people– a lot of CTAs that are put in promotions and pop-ups on websites, they might click to a different URL. They might take people away from that page and not even open a new tab, for example, when they go to that URL, which is just terrible UX, and I never understand when people do that. And the great thing about our CTAs is the CTAs can either link to a page or– and also, you have the option of opening a new tab or keeping it in the same window. Or, with the CTAs in this example, if you create a promo, you place it at the bottom of the screen, and you have these four images of your other promos. You basically layer the transparent CTAs over each one. And each CTA can open another promo. So you select that in the design canvas, you say, “Open the spin-to-win promo when this is clicked,” and then the person clicks it, and boom. They got it.

Robbie: Now, another note on these is what I like about what Old Navy did is they have very different deals for different days. But if you’re going to do something like tiered discounts, I would recommend offering your best discount first so that people don’t wait until the fourth day to get the best deal. So you’ll get more checkouts in the same session from that.

Jenna: Yeah. I also like the styling that Old Navy has done to theirs. It just seems more cohesive in terms of the colors that they use. It just feels more branded. So I would encourage you to approach it, also, with that mindset. And then, too, like Robbie said, structuring your deals for different days. It’s pretty obvious here an Old Navy’s, but if you guys are running very specific [deals?] for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, you can actually build that out and make that very clear like, “Hey, here’s what Friday’s deal is.” And that way your user base already has a heads up and they know what to expect, kind of like training them on the discounts. But from a marketing perspective, I really like this one because they’re very large and take up a lot of screen space. So they’re kind of hard to ignore. And also, they give you a lot of options as a marketer, on which deals you want to serve your traffic. Cool. Well, that is the last example that I wanted to touch on. So we want to close out, here, with just discussing our professional services. Many of you may not know that we actually have this branch of Justuno, and we’ve kind of gone under revamp lately. But, Robbie, why don’t you go ahead and let us know what professional services are, what do they include, do you have to have a certain account in order to be able to apply for these, or how does that work?

Robbie: Right. Right. Yeah. Thank you. So no. You can be on any account and sign up for our professional services. And really, what this does is you’re outsourcing your conversion-rate optimizer which we have a team dedicated to that. We test promotions all the time. We have designers in-house. We work with you closely on what your needs are. And that’s essentially what the professional services is. For things like what we were just looking at, for those technical examples, if you really want to do that, but you don’t have the time, the resources, or the dev team to do it, then give it to us. We’ll do it. We do custom solutions. If there’s a feature that you’re looking for that we don’t have, we’ll build it out for you. And so we offer these on a monthly basis. We have one-time setups for if you just want a design revamp of your promotions and you don’t have time to do that. And then we have all the way up to the premium, white glove service that is ongoing. And so if you’re interested in that, I think, Jenna, I think you’re going to drop a link into the chats, I believe.

Jenna: Yep. Yeah. We can drop a link in here to the chat so you guys can click through it and view that page.

Robbie: And also, if you guys have worked with me closely and you’re interested in doing something like this, you can also email me and I’ll put you right in touch with Adrian or Ryan who head up the team here at Justuno.

Jenna: Cool. Yeah. And I would just encourage you guys to think about this pretty seriously because as marketers, as designers, and I’m sure many of you are business owners attending this training, that we often get into just tunnel vision. And we’re guilty of it here at Justuno, too, where you’re so into your own product, you’re so into your own site, that you can’t see the gaps in your conversion funnel, whether that’s just lead acquisition or that’s making a sale. So it really helps to have a third set of eyes and just say, “Hey, here’s what we see.” And I guess would that be a second set of eyes [laughter]? Third-party perspective is where I was thinking to. But yeah. It really helps. And we can just help identify areas for improvement and then show you some actionable ways and even set those up for you just depending on what you’d like. So anyways, you guys can click through, check that out, and yeah. That’s pretty much it. So, Robbie, if people want to get ahold of you, I guess just reach out to you here at your email?

Robbie: Yeah. Yeah. Most people here will probably already have my email. But just shoot me an email if you have any custom questions or anything like that or anything that we can do. We’re here to help. And we’re here to help you guys be as successful as you can during this holiday rush. It’s our biggest time of year as we know it’s your biggest time of year. So we are dedicated to making sure that it runs smoothly, that we are doing everything that we can to make you successful during the holiday season. And I hope everybody has a great Q4.

Jenna: Yeah. For sure. Well, thanks Robbie for taking time. And I will also be sending out a recording of this training, so if you guys are worried or you’d like to share it with people, then don’t worry. I’ll be sending that to you after this. And yeah. If you guys have any questions you can reach out to either of us. So thanks for joining. And good luck this holiday season.

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