The ability to deploy immediate site changes is priceless for marketers and the agility that not having to rely on your dev team for edits provides is critical in the fast-paced world of e-commerce.


Dynamic landing pages are a key way to personalize your site experience based on a visitor’s segment for agile customization.

Use full-page promotions to create a landing page experience on the fly without having to add another app to your MarTech stack or for a quick marketing solution. A great alternative for when landing pages are only needed for a short time for special events or if you have a highly segmented audience to show different messaging to.

Using an in-page promotion that appears native to your site, you can encourage visitors to click a button that opens a full-page promotion that functions as a landing page. They also help you target different segments with different messaging, creating as customized an experience as you want!


Kathy’s Kookies is a cookies delivery service who wanted to create a customized experience for consumers. They wanted to collect more information via forms about what visitors’ wanted to see for their rotating seasonal menu like favorite cookie base, mix-ins vs. topping, allergies, and more–all to create a more customized shopping experience. Kathy’s Kookies used an in-page promotion that prompted visitors to click for a quick “quiz” to submit their cookies preferences. This opened up a full-page promotion with a form asking them relevant questions to help shape the Seasonal Menu.

Pro Tip: Create multiple full-page promotions so each visitor segment can have relevant messaging or questions. Use targeting conditions to segment out who sees which promotion for the ultimate experience and effectiveness.


Let’s check out how Kathy’s Kookies used Justuno to create this in-page promotion and subsequent full-page promotion for their visitors to take their product quiz!

  1. Kathy’s Kookies started by creating their landing page where their cookie questionnaire will live. They choose to create a Fullscreen Standard Lead Capture promotion.
  2. Next, they changed their form and connected it to their email service provider (ESP) and created the form fields. Once Kathy’s Kookies created these, they moved onto designing their promotion. Keeping in mind that they wanted to replicate a landing page aesthetic, rather than a “pop-up feel.”
  3.  In the TAB JS, they added the code listed below to remove the post-engagement screen and take the user straight to their “This Week’s Menu” page once the form is submitted. With this code, the Post-Engagement Screen will show for a very slight moment, so try to match the imagery on it with the page, so the transition looks like a blank page loading.
    • juapp(‘trackFunc’,’engagement’,function(email,form){setTimeout(function(){window.location.href = ‘URL you want to go to’;},1500);});
  4. Once their promotion was ready Kathy’s Kookies created a trigger ruleset and chose the option for a “Basic Ruleset.” Here Kathy’s Kookies chose the option to fire when “On Specific Page.” Next, under “Target Traffic Source,” they checked “Facebook” under ‘Show from sources’ and clicked ‘Narrow down by campaign.’ Here Kathy’s Kookies added the UTM from their Facebook Ad campaign.
    • Pro Tip: UTM tracking parameters work for more than just Facebook Ad campaigns, use them for email marketing, paid search, and more!
  5. Now, when Kathy’s Kookies Facebook Ad is clicked, this traffic is directed to their landing page to take their seasonal cookie quiz. Once they’ve answered the questions, these visitors are directed back to another page instead of just seeing a Thank You page. This encourages them to spend more time on Kathy’s Kookies site and hopefully encourage a conversion.
  6. That’s it, Kathy’s Kookies has a landing page set up targeting a specific campaign and can start collecting actionable insights for their menu!

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