Intelligently recommend the right product every time

Do you want to personalize your customers’ shopping experience with product recommendations designed to grow your AOV and give shoppers what they really want? If so, you’ve come to the right place.


Commerce AI is Justuno’s intelligent product recommendation engine designed to help retailers show customers exactly what they’re looking for.

Use one of five algorithms (upselling, cross-selling, recently viewed, most viewed, and most purchased) to base your recommendations on and get started customizing your user experience today.

If you want to take your recommendation strategy a step further, use our filters to tailor your promotions even further. Filters are based on product attributes and determine more granularly which items to include or exclude.

Use algorithms plus filters to create narrow target audiences, relevant experiences, and convert more shoppers.


Let’s check out Beach Threads, an online swimwear retailer who was looking to implement an intelligent solution to their cart abandonment problem. Beach Threads had noticed they had a large percentage of their website traffic adding one or two items to their cart, but they never made it any further than that first product.

Upon further inspection, Beach Threads realized that these were customers mostly browsing the clearance section, meaning their cart value was below their free shipping threshold.

Using Commerce AI, Beach Threads wanted to create product recommendations that suggested items whose price would bump the cart value up over the threshold, unlocking free shipping and incentivizing the sale.

Depending on how far the shopper was from the threshold, Beach Threads set up a second promotion that would fire only if the visitor exited the recommendation and went to leave. This way, they could offer free shipping to certain customers within an acceptable profit margin rate and save those sales.

See how Beach Threads set up their Commerce AI promotion and follow-up exit offer below.


  1. Beach Threads first needed to create a web messaging promotion. They designed a Commerce AI product recommendation layer and then set the base algorithm to be a Cross-sell. The promotion ruleset targets shoppers who are looking at their cart with a value lower than the free shipping rate. In this example, the rate is $50.
    • Create an advanced ruleset. Under Cart & Past Order Rules, select Cart Totals THIS Visit and set the total to be less than $50.
  2. Next, Beach Threads created their second promotion. This was a web messaging promotion, designed to offer a free shipping coupon.
  3. The rules for this promotion were set to fire if the first promotion was closed, and the cart value was below $50 but above $45, and the customer was trying to exit the page.
    • Create an advanced ruleset. Under Cart & Past Order Rules, select Cart Totals THIS Visit and set the total to be less than $50. Add another Cart Totals THIS Visit rule and set it to be more than $44.
    • Under Technological Rules, select Intent to Leave.
  4. That’s it; Beach Threads set their promotions live on their site and started reducing their abandoned cart rates with Commerce AI.

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