You’re most likely familiar with the two-step opt-in email pop-up. They are a type of pop-up that prompts you with a yes or no question prior to asking for your email. This conversion tactic is popping up all over the web and you may be asking “does a two-step pop-up produce more conversions?”

There’s no better way to get to find the answer to this question than with an A/B test! Testing is a critical aspect of conversion rate optimization and can be used to improve your pop-up’s performance.
In the video below, I’ll show you how to properly A/B test a one-step opt-in vs a two-step opt-in.
This video starts out with an introduction into A/B testing, why it’s important, and how to navigate our A/B testing feature – don’t worry, it’s pretty simple. You can skip to 4:50 to get right to the first test.
Conventional marketing wisdom would tell you that adding a click in the customer experience is a bad thing. This is partly true when it comes to the UX of your site, but not with promotional pop-ups.
During an A/B test with Piece Water, we found that adding an Intro Screen into their New Visitor email pop up increased the overall engagement by 104% – you read that right, 104%.

The consumer psychology is simple – get someone to say “yes” to an obvious question, i.e. “Do you like free stuff?”, and you are more likely to get them to say yes again, i.e. “Great! Sign up today to get a free beanie with today’s order.” By already getting the consumer to make a “micro-commitment” by clicking on an intro screen, you’ve engaged them–making them more likely to follow through with opting-in.
To set up this A/B test, log in to your Justuno account and go to the A/B Testing section. From here you can set up not only a test of adding into intro screen but anything you want to tweak that may impact conversions.
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