Success Stories


Scaling Personalization: Product Recommendations & Dynamic Site Journeys

HYLETE is at the forefront of both the athletic apparel industry and the digital marketing game. Learn how HYLETE uses Justuno to implement complex personalization solutions and integrate product recommendations throughout their site.


  • How to segment organic and paid traffic effectively
  • Omnichannel marketing at scale
  • Intelligent product recommendations to boost AOV ~ 8% increase!

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With Justuno, HYLETE was able to place strategic product recommendations at different points in the customer journey from PDP to in-cart for increased order values and when combined with additional messaging led to double-digit improvements across the board.


Increase in Conversion Rate


Increase in Engagement Rate


In Engaged Revenue

Hylete Case Study

Scaling Personalization: Product Recommendations & Dynamic Site Journeys

Started in 2012 with just a pair of training shorts, HYLETE has taken the athletic apparel space by storm and experienced explosive growth across their product lines. HYLETE is dedicated to not only building great products but also an active fitness community that they can empower with their products. HYLETE initially came to Justuno seeking for a way to quickly implement onsite experiences that weren’t resource-intensive and could be changed on a dime. They needed more analytic insight into their visitor base and quickly saw the potential to scale personalization by uniting their customer journey under one platform.

Using Justuno Plus, they implemented a multi-prong approach to omnichannel marketing with targeted email opt-ins, exit offers, and intelligent product recommendations. This not only doubled HYLETE’s monthly list growth but engagement with Justuno promotions led to an almost 12% lift in their conversion rate and an 8% increase in average order value (AOV). Let’s dive into the details of how HYLETE’s website optimization strategy creates an immersive, personalized experience for visitors.

Omnichannel Marketing & Paid Ads

HYLETE segments their welcome offers by traffic source so each new visitor is greeted by a tailored initial message. They use custom UTM’s to trigger specific promotions based on if a visitor is coming from a paid, organic/direct, or social source. By reinforcing the specific messaging the visitor saw before coming to the site, HYLETE keeps their interest for a longer period of time than if the messaging that drove their interest to begin with is gone. This is one of the key ways Hylete uses Justuno to improve their return on paid traffic.

With this approach, HYLETE is able to capture 47% of their emails from the 14% of sessions driven from paid ads. This means they’re collecting nearly half their emails from a small but powerful source, ensuring a strong ROAS, maximizing every touchpoint on their site and beyond.

HYLETE emphasizes consistency in their paid ads to keep CPAs down, maximizing their spend, and optimizing their paid traffic’s onsite experience. This gives HYLETE the opportunity to test and change their direct traffic’s experience without needing to worry about wasting acquisition resources. It’s just as important to know what’s not engaging customers as what is working–so they can progressively improve their user experience

This goes for more than just welcome offers though, HYLETE also segments their exit offers by traffic source, reducing their overall cart abandonment by 11%. By creating continuity across touchpoints from new visitor opt-ins to exit offers and beyond, HYLETE’s advanced segmentation strategy is the foundation for their success.

Hylete Paid Media

“Working with our Justuno Plus Conversion Strategist helps uncover hidden opportunities and turn some of our more blue-sky ideas into actionable strategies.”

Jon Palmer, Marketing Director, HYLETE

Intelligent Product Recommendations

Using Justuno’s AI-powered product recommendations, HYLETE focuses on personalizing the shopping experience and boosting AOV. They use a mix of several AI algorithms including upsells, cross-sells, and most purchased to maximize their targeting ability. Their intelligent recommendations have an average 30% engagement rate and nearly $200K in engaged revenue.

The freedom to inject these recommendations where they want on their site is a game-changer for HYLETE. They use a combination of product page cross-sells, in-cart upsells, and bundled offers to add relevant suggestions in each customer’s specific customer journey. The seamless transition of intelligent recommendations into the visitors experience presents a compelling call-to-action rather than a pushy sales gimmick.

HYLETE’s intelligent recommendations have an average conversion rate of 16% making these AOV-boosting promotions an integral part of their current business strategy. Intelligent product recommendations have done more than just improve their bottom line but also allowed HYLETE to consolidate its MarTech stack by offering granular in-depth personalization in one solution.

The Experience That Data Built

HYLETE came to Justuno at the beginning out of a strong desire for data and the ability to see what works (or doesn’t). Their entire customer experience both on and off-site is built using advanced customer data from surveys and behavior to create dynamic, relevant messaging. HYLETE utilizes the one-click, deep integration of Justuno and Klaviyo to implement this–turning onsite actions into triggered personalized email content.

Using Magento, HYLETE built a completely customized website but needed flexibility and speed when it came to tailoring their onsite experience. Justuno expanded the functionality of their website while making testing and personalization at scale a reality for the HYLETE team.

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