Success Stories


Applying Data-Driven Insights Increased Revenue Growth By 91%

Omnilux is a skincare brand that develops medical-grade LED light therapy devices for at-home use to help customers feel more confident in their skin. During a period of high growth, they needed help personalizing messaging for targeted segments. A high-involvement purchase decision requires education and nurturing which means highly personalized strategies to guide shoppers through the process.


Sought out help from the marketing agency, Growth Gurus, who brought Justuno on to help with this as a seamless addition to their existing MarTech stack.

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Omnilux was able to capitalize on its high growth period to increase return customers and brand loyalty while also making an impact on AOV and overall revenue growth.


Email List Growth


Growth in Annual Flow Revenue


Increase in Revenue from SMS

Growth Gurus popups for Omnilux

How We Did It

Zero-Party Data Collection For Targeted Engagement

Omnilux’s website traffic surges meant they needed personalized pop-ups that delivered targeted messaging to potential customers based on their website behavior even before they ever opted in.

They implemented data collection strategies designed to better match each customer with the right Omnilux product, identifying key focuses from each segment to foster loyalty across a range of interests.

Growth Gurus then used the zero-party data they collected in their lead captures to develop dynamic content for more personalized Klaviyo flows based on purchase history, demographics, skin concerns, etc.

By breaking their target segments down like this Omnilux’s email and SMS content could resonate more effectively with each potential customer. Here are three segments and the products they matched:

Omnilux Mens: With interest in skincare trending upward for men, they create a focused product for men leveraging influencers + male-specific education, and copy changes.

Omnilux Contour: Targeted mainly female consumers with dynamic copy aimed at emphasizing benefits for their skincare routines and enhancing personal connection to the brand.

Omnilux Clear: Targeted younger consumers battling primarily acne and heavily featuring content focused on treatments and skincare tips for an engaging and relevant experience.

Exit & Cart Abandonment For Same-Session Conversions

Another area of focus for Omnilux was keeping this hard-earned traffic on their website. The Growth Gurus team developed a two-pronged approach for exiting visitors with different messaging for those simply exiting the site who hadn’t opted in to email yet vs. those abandoning their cart.

For those simply exiting they created a pop-up that entered them into a giveaway contest for a free mask while asking for the same information as the lead capture did (email, name, skin concern). This was a great way to up the ante for those leaving without opting in the first lead capture with a different incentive that had a lower barrier to entry. This exit offer had an average 3.1% engagement rate but when coupled with their higher traffic levels represented a big opportunity.

In fact, those who engaged with this exit offer had a nearly 40% same-session conversion rate after opting in on it. By retaining just 3% more traffic on its website, Omnilux was able to drive significant new revenue and enhance its profitability.

For their cart abandoner segment, they utilized a discount + countdown timer to incentivize same-session conversions. This led to an average 40% engagement rate and 76% same-session conversion rate for those planning to abandon their carts after being served this exit offer.

Omnilux Exit Offer
“Omnilux is the perfect example of the power of hyper-personalization and nurturing your customer base. Especially with products that naturally have a long lead to nurture time whether it’s due to the market or the cost of products, when you truly dive into understanding your customers and what they need to hear from you to make an informed and confident purchase decision, and then sending them on the relevant journey, you’re going to see results. Although building out this strategy can be time-intensive, the payoff with sustainable growth over time is well worth it.”

Olivia Grant, Growth & Partnerships Director, Growth Gurus

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Justuno and Growth Gurus

Justuno + Growth Gurus

Growth Gurus has been a premier partner of Justuno for years, dedicated to boosting DTC brands through automation and customer value optimization. Their expertise in leveraging marketing automation technology helps brands in all industries forge strong, meaningful connections with their customers, driving impactful growth. Discover how Growth Gurus can elevate your brand with Justuno by requesting a free audit here!

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