Success Stories

Regina Romero

Elevated lead capture and onsite messaging leads to 350% revenue growth

High-end shoe retailer Regina Romero was looking to elevate the look and feel of their website while improving the targeting of their onsite pop-ups and promotions. They had difficulty building promotions that matched their upscale branding and realized they needed a tool with features that can handle both their design and advanced targeting needs. As a result, Regina Romero turned to Justuno to build out the promotional strategy, onsite messaging, and aesthetic they had been looking for.

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With Justuno, Regina Romero was able to create onsite promotions that properly reflected their brand and voice in order to collect more emails, optimize their conversion rate, and grow their bottom line.


Cart Abandonment Decrease


Increase in Conversion Value


AOV Increase


Revenue growth


Increase in Conversion Rate

“We chose Justuno for the features and the experience we had with the sales rep. He patiently reviewed our site outlining possible outcomes and solutions. From there our strategist has been amazing, professional, and very service-oriented–plus, the tutorials and trainings are amazing.”

Sabrina Herrera, CMO & Partner, Regina Romero

How We Did It

High-converting email capture promotions for a consistent stream of revenue.

As 38% of Regina Romero’s revenue comes from their emails, it’s critical for their business to have a steady flow of new subscribers. Naturally, their first focus was to build high-converting lead capture promotions.

To create a healthy pipeline of new leads, Justuno wanted to strengthen Regina Romero’s acquisition strategy. First with well-designed promotions and then taking it to the next level with more refined targeting rules. This created a more relevant site experience for new visitors while improving that of returning shoppers. As a result, their email list grew by over 10% in three months.

“Regina Romero has been eager to challenge themselves to build a unique customer journey. This gave us a great opportunity to explore other onsite messaging formats to nurture visitors through the marketing funnel. Their team has been receptive to new ideas and strategies allowing us to showcase a different shopping experience using advanced features and creative design options.”

Stephanie Charon, Lead Customer Success Strategist, Justuno

Optimizing Conversion Rates

Together, these initiatives helped Regina Romero optimize their conversion rates by showing more relevant pop-ups to visitors. As a result, their conversion rate increased by 165.2% when a Justuno pop-up was engaged with and their AOV by 82.6%.

Regina Romero was able to realize major gains with only a few optimizations to their onsite strategy. Combining new lead capture promotions and on-brand promotions perfectly tailored for their target audience were the key in taking their website to the next level.

After 36 years in business and opening their online store in 2017, Regina Romero is a brand willing to meet its customers exactly where they want. Having grown their e-commerce presence with Justuno, they’re looking to continue brand expansion with targeted personalization driven by AI and product recommendations to create even more individualized shopping experiences.

Ready to take the next step for your business?

Grow your lists and drive more sales by setting up automations that trigger personalized messaging based on website behavior with our workflow builder.

  • Start optimizing onsite experiences today with access to designer templates and 80+ advanced targeting rules
  • Our customers see a 135% increase in revenue during the first year, see what Justuno can do for you!
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