Success Stories


Zero-Party Data Collection & Personalization Strategies Leads To 23% Conversion Rate

Tomlinson’s is a local store in Austin, Texas, for natural and healthy pet products. They have many storefronts in Austin and have built strong relationships with their in-store customers. Tomlinson’s came to marketing agency, Fuel Made, wanting to recreate that personalized interaction with their online visitors and further personalize their email marketing. 

They needed an on-brand lead capture that collected the right zero-party data to build up email/SMS databases while simultaneously driving post-email conversion. Using Justuno in conjunction with their email marketing platform Klaviyo—Tomlinson’s was able to do just that.

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With Justuno, Tomlinson’s implemented a combination of zero-party data-focused lead captures aimed at collecting the most crucial bit of information needed to feed into Klaviyo for personalized welcome flows and product recommendations. Not only did they end up with the stellar numbers below, they ended up in line and well above the average opt-in rate of 7.26% for their industry.


Opt-In Rate on Desktop


Opt-In Rate on Mobile


Conversion Rate from Email Flow


Increase in their Engaged Lists

Tomlinson's email pop-up to Klaviyo profile zero-party data flow

How We Did It

Branded Lead Captures & Zero-Party Data Collection For A Consistent Customer Experience

Tomlinson’s wanted to create an engaging welcome experience for first-time visitors that mirrored what a customer might expect when they walked into their storefronts. Fuel Made worked with them to create a beautiful, branded lead capture that combined that feeling with their new zero-party data collection strategy.

On the first screen, Tomlinson’s asks visitors if they would prefer a dog treat or cat toy as a freebie for signing up to receive their emails. Then, on the next screen, they go a step further by asking if they’re a dog person, a cat person, and/or other.

This two-step process ensures two things—that one, their freebie is one of their choosing, and two, that Tomlinson’s knows if they have other animals besides their choice in freebie.

Fuel Made built this using four separate pop-ups so that Justuno can accurately tell Klaviyo if the new subscribers clicked on ‘Dog Treat’ versus ‘Cat Toy’ or ‘Other.’ Justuno’s integration with Klaviyo seamlessly passes a custom property that was selected, letting them know the new subscribers want a ‘Dog Treat,’ for example. This triggers a personalized welcome flow specific to dog owners and is then stored in their Klaviyo profile for future segmentation purposes.

Then, the welcome series Fuel Made, designed in Klaviyo, is triggered based on their answers for instant personalization, just like new customers would receive in the store.

These are just the dog and cat examples, but as we said earlier, there is an ‘Other; option—perfect for those with other furry (or feathered) friends. The secondary option, asking them directly what type of pet they have, allows Justuno to pass a specific property over to Klaviyo for even more personalized experiences both in the welcome flow, return visits to the site, and beyond.

Tomlinson’s then takes a more educational approach in the next step in their welcome series on how to choose the right food for their pet type based on the property mentioned above.

If new subscribers still haven’t converted after this email, then they’re sent yet another personalized email reminding them to use their discount and putting them on a 24-hour clock before it expires.

As you can see, this single additional data point about their new subscribers allows Tomlinson’s to personalize their welcome flow in a way that they simply couldn’t without asking for one small additional piece of information. Adding in this additional zero-party data field didn’t detract visitors from opting in; in fact, Tomlinson’s pop-ups are leading the industry with an 11.74% opt-in rate on mobile and 7.54% on desktop.

But the real conversion power comes from the welcome email flow, with an exceptional conversion rate of 23% for new subscribers.

Continued Personalization With Zero-Party Data

Tomlinson’s doesn’t just use the zero-party data from their lead captures in their welcome series, but in other automated campaigns to keep their database engaged and coming back.

For win-back campaigns, they send best sellers based on the pet-type property designed to drive dormant customers back to the site to discover products they’re most likely to be interested in.

And for just general brand awareness and education campaigns like this one with summer tips for your pet. These kinds of emails aren’t just important for staying top of mind with customers but in the animal/pet care industry are a crucial part of connecting with consumers. Building that relationship by showing you care and are a resource for them.

“Justuno makes it possible to bring to life the next-level strategies we like to create for our clients. They are a crucial part of our toolbox along with Shopify & Klaviyo when it comes to helping brands take their website and email marketing to the next level using zero-party data for personalization.”

Lisa Oberst, Director of Email Marketing, Fuel Made

Justuno + Fuel Made

Fuel Made is a long-time friend of Justuno and a certified agency partner—their team is focused on helping e-commerce brands grow on Shopify and Klaviyo. From full-service email marketing to web design and custom development, Fuel Made is the perfect partner for any of your brand’s marketing needs. To get started with Fuel Made, read about their email marketing services here.

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